What does the Texas Baptist Missions Foundation do?
In the same way that John’s gospel describes Andrew assisting a boy in bringing his lunch to Jesus, we help people connect their generosity with God's mission. Just as in the story of John 6, we often stand amazed with donors when we see how God has a way of multiplying gifts to share Jesus and show love. Our role, simply put, is to connect individuals and their resources with the work of Texas Baptists as together we fulfill the Great Commission and obey the Great Commandment.
To achieve that purpose, we seek to help Texas Baptists grow in the discipleship of generosity, building a legacy that will honor God in their lifetime and beyond. We are often able to assist donors with wise giving methods that can leverage impact while avoiding unnecessary taxes. We also work with Texas Baptists in a variety of ministries to provide necessary resources, as well as providing estate planning seminars and generosity resources to assist individuals and churches in their journeys of stewardship.
How can we partner with you to connect your legacy with God’s mission?
For assistance, please call us at (214) 828-5343, or complete the form to request an email reply.
The Texas Baptist Missions Foundation is part of Texas Baptists.
© 2025 missionsfoundation.org. All rights reserved.
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